as you can see i'm trying to have this blog running again.
i'm also setting up a little webshop over at bigcartel that
will be linked to this blog. since i'm no good at all at designing
these websites - even with all the templates they give you -
it will take some time until i have everything looking the way
i want it to. anyhoo, this is the first time i'm blogging from
my pad-thingy and i thought i might just post a picture from
this years ToyConUK, which i attended as an exhibitor for
the first time. and i sold nearly everything i had brought!
i had many a nice chat and all the people that stopped by to
take a look at my resins were super nice and enjoying the event.
a splendid time was had by all.
of the six remaining pieces three were "sold" via Instagram
and will go out to customers once they have arrived back at my
place for a quick check and maybe a new box...
alright. let's see how the picture-posting works from the pad...
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